Soal UTS Kelas 8 B. Inggris Semester 2/ Genap Th. 2016 2017

download dan dapatkan soal latihan uts smp kelas  Soal UTS Kelas 8 B. Inggris Semester 2/ Genap Th. 2016 2017 - Download Soal UTS Kelas 8 B. Inggris Semester 2/ Genap Th. 2016 2017 untuk berlatih ulangan tengah semester genap tahun ini, soalnya sesuai dengan kurikulum ktsp dan terdiri dari soal pilihan ganda/pg 30 butir dan 5 soal essay.

berikut adalah sebagian dari soal latihan uts kelas 8 b inggris smstr 2 ktsp yang bisa sobat download, yaitu:

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22. When did the writer really love football?
a. When he was in elementary school b. Every Saturday afternoon
c. he came late and not obey the rules d.  When he was in junior high school

23. Where the writer used to play football
a. In stadium
b. In the sport hall
c. In his own field
d. In a school field

24. How was the couch couching him?
a. Strong
b. Smart
c. Discipline
d. Lazy

25. The coach grounded players because they…..
a. Lazy
b. Come late
c. Smart
d. Play football

26. A : Oh No! I forget to bring my pen……lend me your pen, please?
a. I don’t think so
b. Can I have
c. What do you think of
d. Can you

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